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Why Confidence is so Important When Leading Change and How to Build It

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Guest Post by Phil Buckley

Confidence is the most important trait leaders can draw upon when leading change. They need to be confident that they are looking at the right information, making the right decisions and giving people the right support to take on new routines. Confidence enables focus, builds momentum and inspires people to give their best. The leader who says, “I know we will build a better future,” is the one people believe in and want to follow.

The Significance of Confidence in Leading Change

Lack of confidence produces opposite outcomes: uncertainty about facts and data, short-term decision making and poor support for people taking on new ways of working. The leader who says, “I don’t know what the future will bring,” is the one people question as they struggle.

Confidence is most needed when leaders lead change. They are continually faced with change-related questions that cannot be answered based on past experience. To lead change well, leaders must exercise their thinking and skills to redesign their organization while delivering current business results. Changing a tire on a moving bus requires confidence that it will improve the vehicle and get to its current destination on time.

5 Ways Leaders Can Build Confidence in Their Change Efforts

So if confidence is so important to leading change, how can leaders build theirs? Here are five quick ways that leaders can build their confidence to be change-ready:

Confidence is essential to leading an organization and its people through change. Leaders must guide and motivate their teams to change how they work to build a better future. Taking the time to build their confidence will help them become change-ready. It’s time well spent, both for the leaders and those who they are leading.

About the author: Phil Buckley is a change strategist, facilitator, leadership coach, and public speaker. He’s written two award-winning books: Change on the Run: 44 Ways to Survive Workplace Uncertainty and Change with Confidence: Answering the 50 Biggest Questions that Keep Change Leaders Up at Night. Learn more at Phil’s website Change With Confidence.

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