
Top 12 Best PHP Frameworks To Consider In 2022

by Wire Tech
PHP Frameworks

PHP Framework & web development has been around for a long time and is still going strong. The next 10 years show some exciting innovations in PHP frameworks that will bridge the gap between modern web apps and legacy products, allowing you to use all the latest techniques while accommodating legacy code.

PHP is a popular programming language for web development due to its versatility for handling tasks of all types. The increasing demand for PHP web developers is fueled by platforms such as WordPress, with over 60% of the websites use it. Check out this list of the top 12 PHP frameworks in 2022 to learn more!

1. Zend PHP Frameworks

Zend is a PHP framework that has been around for a long time. It is one of the most popular PHP frameworks. Zend is used by many large companies, such as Yahoo and IBM.

Zend is a very versatile framework. It can be used for small projects or large enterprise applications. Zend has a lot of features, such as support for multiple databases, caching, and security.

Zend is also easy to learn and use. There is a lot of documentation available. And, there is a large community of developers who can help if you run into any problems.

2. Nucleus PHP Frameworks

Nucleus is a leading PHP framework that helps you develop complex applications quickly and easily. It provides a set of tools and libraries that make it easy to develop robust, scalable applications.

It is well suited for developing large scale applications such as e-commerce websites and enterprise level applications. It provides a wide range of features that make it easy to develop complex applications.

It is fully compatible with all major PHP development tools such as Eclipse, NetBeans, and Zend Studio. It also integrates well with popular PHP web servers such as Apache and Nginx.

It is developed by an experienced team of developers who are committed to providing quality software products. The team has a strong focus on customer satisfaction and providing support for their products.

Nucleus is an open source project that is released under the Apache License 2.0.

3. Phalcon PHP Frameworks

There are many different PHP frameworks available, but not all of them are created equal. Phalcon is one of the most popular, and for good reason. Phalcon is fast, reliable, and easy to use.

Phalcon is an open-source framework that was first released in 2012. It is written in C, which makes it one of the fastest frameworks available. Phalcon also uses very little memory, which makes it ideal for use on shared hosting accounts.

Even though Phalcon is a relatively new framework, it has a large and active community. There are plenty of resources available online if you need help using Phalcon.

If you’re looking for a fast, reliable, and easy-to-use PHP framework, Phalcon is a great choice.

4. Yii PHP Framework

The Yii PHP framework is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework. It is perfect for developing large-scale web applications. The Yii PHP framework has a wide range of features, including:

  • MVC architecture
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Database access objects
  • API development
  • Template systems

The Yii framework is also very scalable. It can be easily integrated with third-party software and services. The Yii framework is constantly being updated with new features and bug fixes.

The Yii PHP framework is an excellent choice for PHP developers who want to create large-scale web applications.

5. Lithium PHP Frameworks

Lithium is a new breed of PHP framework that is designed to make developing web applications easier and faster. Lithium provides a number of features that make it stand out from other PHP frameworks, such as an easy-to-use database abstraction layer, an event-driven programming paradigm, and a unified Request and Response object.

Also, because Lithium is built around POOP (Plain Old PHP Objects), you can use it in any hosting environment with little or no modification. It’s also incredibly fast—with the auto-reloading system, you develop quickly and efficiently without having to wait for your pages to refresh every few minutes.

6. Fuel PHP Frameworks

FuelPHP is an open source PHP framework that was created by the team at Fueled in 2010. It is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern & a full-stack framework, meaning that it can be used for both front-end and back-end development.

FuelPHP is compatible with most major web servers, including Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS. It has a very active community, with regular updates and new features being added all the time.

FuelPHP is used by some of the world’s biggest companies, including Adobe, Disney, and Ford.

7. Laravel PHP Frameworks

Laravel is a popular PHP framework that provides an easy way for developers to create web applications.

Laravel comes with a lot of features that make it a good choice for web development. For example, it has an easy-to-use database abstraction layer that makes it easy to work with databases.

It also has a built-in templating system that allows developers to quickly create views. In addition, Laravel comes with a CLI tool that makes it easy to manage and deploy web applications.

Laravel is also designed with testability in mind. The framework uses dependency injection, which makes it easy to test your application without having to worry about its dependencies Laravel community is one of the most active and supportive frameworks on Github.

If you get stuck, or if you do not know how to solve a problem, you can write an issue ticket that other users and developers can view and respond to. Thanks to active community, there is no significant issue you will encounter when using Laravel that hasn’t been solved before.

Laravel is available under MIT license. You can use it free of charge for your commercial projects.

8. Symfony PHP Framework

The Symfony PHP Framework is one of the most popular PHP frameworks. It is used by many big companies, including Drupal, phpBB, and Magento. Symfony is a well-rounded framework that can be used for developing both small and large applications.

It has a lot of features, including a templating system, a cleaner codebase, and better performance.

Symfony has many things in common with Laravel, so it’s a good idea to check it out if you think Laravel isn’t for you.
The framework has a pretty steep learning curve, though. If you are the kind of person who likes to “see it to believe it,” then this is not the framework for you. Nevertheless, Symfony2 is incredibly powerful, and worth the effort required to learn it.

You don’t have to make any difficult choices when using Symfony. This is one of its best features; everything from installation and configuration through deployment and debugging comes as easy as an install package.

As a result of its stability over the years (it was developed in 2005,) you can find tons of resources that help answer most questions about the way this Framework works. Symfony allows for multiple configurations during projects and can be adapted for different needs since you’re able to alter so many aspects of it.

It offers access to remote services, multiple database connections and (most importantly) is stable across different browsers and operating systems. And, one of its biggests strengths lies in its flexibility. Unlike other platforms with specific technologies built into the PHP Framework that you have to master, the Symfony structure doesn’t allot restrictions on anything, allowing developers to choose the technologies best suited for their projects.

Moving between different Symfony versions can be a roller coaster experience at times. While migrating one project to an earlier version of CodeIgniter took only several minutes, making the same migration within Symfony required literally days of debugging and testing time due to syntax errors and configuration issues.

9. CodeIgniter PHP Framework

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a small footprint.

It is packed with a lot of features, such as a simple interface and error handling. CodeIgniter is also very fast, as it uses a light-weight model-view-controller (MVC) approach. This makes it perfect for developing large scale web applications.

You can either choose to develop with Code Igniter mainly using PHP (version 5.2 or above) from the command line, or use an IDE (such as NetBeans). However, if you’re a big fan of PHP frameworks and/or don’t have much coding experience, it’s recommended to use PhpStorm.

Recent versions of CodeIgniter have covered all the route methods listed in this tutorial. Using the URL parameters provides flexibility to create applications that can follow more complex routing rules than regular expressions.

10. Cake PHP Frameworks

CakePHP is a powerful PHP framework that helps developers create web applications quickly and easily. It provides a number of features that make it unique among other PHP frameworks.

These features include its clean, object-oriented codebase, flexible database access layer, and strong security features. CakePHP is used by some of the world’s largest companies, including Starbucks, Toyota, and Sony.

CakePHP is an open source framework that is freely available to anyone who wants to use it. It is constantly being updated and improved by its large community of developers.

11. Laminas PHP Frameworks

Laminas is a PHP framework that is based on the Zend Framework. It was formerly known as the Zend Framework.

Laminas is designed to be used for developing web applications and services. It provides a number of features that make it an attractive choice for developers, including a module system, an event manager, and an MVC implementation.

Laminas has a wide range of components that can be used to develop web applications. These components include several frameworks such as the Zend Expressive and the Symfony Components. Additionally, Laminas also comes with a number of libraries that can be used to extend its functionality.

One of the key benefits of using Laminas is its focus on security. The framework includes a number of features that help to keep web applications secure, such as input filters and output escaped mechanisms. Additionally, Laminas also supports the whoops error handler, which can provide helpful information when an error occurs.

Overall, Laminas is an excellent choice for those looking for a PHP framework that offers a wide range of features and benefits.

12. PHPPixie PHP Frameworks

PHPPixie is a relatively new PHP framework that has quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity and ease of use. It is designed to make developing PHP applications quicker and easier.

One of the main advantages of PHPPixie is its small footprint. This makes it ideal for use in projects where space is limited, such as on shared hosting accounts. PHPPixie is also very fast and lightweight, which makes it ideal for use in high-performance applications.

Another advantage of PHPPixie is its modular design. This means that you only need to install the components you need for your project, which keeps the overall size of your project down.

Overall, PHPPixie is a great choice for developing simplistic or lightweight PHP applications.


There you have it — the top PHP frameworks in 2022. While there are many great options to choose from, the framework that ultimately works best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Do some research and experiment with different frameworks to find the one that suits you best. And, if you’re ever stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional developer for help.

Since you like reading about the latest web technologies, I would suggest to read about 10 Best JavaScript Frameworks to Use in 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Should I Care About PHP Frameworks?

If you’re planning on developing a website or web application using PHP, then you’ll need to choose a PHP framework. A PHP framework is a collection of libraries and tools that helps you to create software applications. Frameworks can help to make your code more organized and efficient, and can also help to improve your application’s performance.

There are many different PHP frameworks available, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for your project. The three most popular PHP frameworks are Laravel, Symfony, and Zend Framework. Each of these frameworks has its own unique features and benefits.

2. Which PHP Frameworks Should I Consider?

There are a few different PHP frameworks that you might want to consider.

One popular framework is Laravel. Laravel is designed to be easy to use and to make development faster. It includes built-in tools for user authentication, database management, and more.

Another popular framework is Symfony. Symfony is a bit more complex than Laravel, but it includes a lot of advanced features. It also has good support from the community.

If you’re looking for a lightweight framework, you might want to consider CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is designed to be fast and easy to use. It doesn’t include as many features as some of the other frameworks, but it’s perfect for simple projects.

Finally, if you’re looking for a framework that’s specifically designed for use with the WordPress content management system (CMS), you might want to consider WordPress itself. WordPress includes its own API and a number of features specifically for creating WordPress themes and plugins.

3. Why Use PHP Framework?

PHP frameworks provide a structured codebase and many built-in features that can save development time and make your code more robust.

A framework can also enforce coding standards and help developers adhere to best practices. This can make it easier for teams to work together on projects, and it can make it easier to hand off code to other developers.

Finally, using a framework can make your code more portable. This means it will be easier to move your code to another server or hosting environment if you need to.

4. Is Javascript similar to PHP?

No, JavaScript and PHP are two completely different programming languages. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language, while PHP is a server-side scripting language. This means that JavaScript code is executed on the client’s web browser, while PHP code is executed on the web server.

5. What are the alternatives for PHP?

  • Python
  • Java
  • Go
  • Ruby on Rails

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