
eBook Launch: How To Boost Employee Training With Role-Play Simulations

by Wire Tech

eBook Launch: How To Boost Employee Training With Role-Play Simulations

Uncover tips to build confidence, increase engagement, and provide real-time feedback by implementing eLearning role-play simulations in your training program.

Role-Play Simulations: Adding Real-World Scenarios To Your L&D Strategy

Simulations have been around for a while, but they're still one of the most immersive tools for moving beyond theory and applying newfound knowledge. This eBook has all the essential info you need to enhance your training program with eLearning role-play simulations, including which types to consider and tips to boost engagement.

eBook ReleaseHow To Boost Employee Training With Role-Play Simulations
Discover how to create role-plays that take your employee training to the next level. Gain insights from Clark Aldrich, a top expert.

Download the eBook

The Power Of Putting It Into Practice With eLearning Role-Play Simulations

Hands-on learning, personalized feedback, and skill building are just a few of the perks that eLearning role-play simulations bring to L&D. Employees are able to see how their decisions play out in a risk-free setting and spot performance issues that may be holding them back. For example, healthcare professionals can participate in a simulated consultation with a fictional patient to improve the quality of care that they provide and pinpoint areas for improvement. Role-plays also give them the opportunity to test out different approaches to see which works best, such as exploring leadership styles to achieve the best outcomes. Short sims can even be used to reinforce knowledge and brush up on core competencies in refresher courses, like compliance recertifications.

About The eBook

How can simulations help you foster employees' interpersonal skills? What are the steps involved in developing effective role-plays that fuel mistake-driven learning? Here's a sneak preview of what's inside this guide by iSpring Solutions, featuring expert insights from Clark Aldrich:

  • What A Role-Play Simulation Is And How It Works
  • Benefits Of Role-Plays For Corporate Training
  • 5 Types Of Role-Play Simulations
  • How To Create Engaging Role-Plays

Get Your Copy

Download How To Boost Employee Training With Role-Play Simulations today to discover how the right tool makes it easy to create simulations without any coding know-how.

Originally published at eLearning Industry.com

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