15 Tips To Help You To Scale Your SEO Content Strategy

by Wire-Tech
SEO Content Strategy

This article will cover 15 of the best Google tips for SEO Content Strategy. When it comes to marketing your business, SEO is one of the best marketing strategies for growing awareness and traffic with content.

It can be challenging for SEOs to develop SEO content strategies for enterprise websites. Small to medium-sized organizations typically have fewer than a few hundred web pages on their website, as opposed to enterprises, which have thousands to millions of pages.

There may be content writers from multiple departments working on different websites, sections, and subdomains of a company’s website and its important to make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to SEO content strategy.

Tips for Keeping Your SEO Content Strategy in Sync

As part of their content life cycle, many enterprises ensure that their SEOs work closely with their content teams and writers.

The content and SEO teams can, however, be disconnected in some organizations.

Content strategists, writers, and SEOs may avoid a disconnect by following these tips:

Include SEO as part of the process when writing assignments are given.

When it comes to SEO, it’s important to include it as part of the process when writing assignments are given. This means taking the time to understand what keywords are being targeted and how to properly optimize your content for the search engines. While it may take more time upfront, it will pay off in the long run as your content will be better positioned to rank higher in the search results.

Another tip is to focus on creating quality content that is informative and interesting to read. Search engines favor content that is well-written and provides value to the reader. Therefore, by producing high-quality content, you’re not only more likely to rank higher in the search results, but you’re also more likely to drive organic traffic to your site.

Keep the SEO team aware of writing assignments in all project management platforms.

Keep the SEO team aware of writing assignments in all project management platforms. This way, they can help to ensure that your content is optimized for search engines from the start.

Provide keyword research to the content teams once content topics finalized

Providing keyword research to the content teams once content topics have been identified is one of the best ways to ensure that your content is optimized for SEO.

By doing this, you can help the content team to focus on creating content that is based around keywords that are known to be effective for ranking in search engines.

This will help to improve the chances that your content will be found by potential customers who are searching for relevant keywords.

Have writers send page copy to the SEO team for feedback

If you want your content to be optimized for search engines, it’s important to involve your SEO team early on in the process. Ask writers to send their page copy to the SEO team for feedback before it goes live. That way, you can make sure that the copy is keyword-rich and optimized for search engines.

Provide keyword research to the content teams in a spreadsheet

Google Sheets is a great way to share keyword research with content teams. Just create a sheet with all of the relevant keywords and their search volume, CPC, and difficulty. Then, share the sheet with the content team so they can use it when creating new content.

Make sure to target long-tail keywords in your content. Long-tail keywords are more specific and tend to have less competition than short-tail keywords. This means that you’re more likely to rank for long-tail keywords if you target them in your content.

Use Google Search Console to track your progress. Google Search Console is a free tool that allows you to see how your site is performing in Google search results. You can use it to track your progress over time and make sure that your content is being found by searchers.

Overall, these are just a few of the many things you can do to optimize your content for Google search. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your content is seen by potential customers and clients. For example you can create a successful blog strategy

Encourage other teams to consider SEO in projects that use systems or platforms not based on the brand’s domains.

When it comes to SEO, it’s important to consider all of your options. If you’re using a system or platform that’s not based on your brand’s domains, be sure to encourage other teams to consider SEO in their projects.

This will help ensure that your content is visible and accessible to as many people as possible.

Include a link gap analysis for keyword competition in your keyword research.

Assist the content team in determining whether or not to target highly competitive keywords by providing an overview of the keyword competition.

Keywords with intense competition do not necessarily need to be excluded, but the business should be aware of the competition. This allows the company to decide whether they want to invest in link building in this instance. Ideally, you’ll look for keywords that don’t have a lot of competition.

Provide feedback to management on how competitive targeted keywords are and what budget is needed for link building.

Although competitive keywords don’t have to be excluded, businesses should be aware of them

It is important to ensure that the team uses keywords with a high search volume when conducting an omnichannel campaign in order to be successful.

Finding relevant keywords can be a challenge for SEO teams when they’re using organizational-created language. Keywords with high search volume that address users’ pain points work best in longer-form content. 

To overcome challenges with organizational-created language, we recommend linking assets internally to campaign content. This way, you can better internalize your content in relation to the user’s journey and for linking purposes authority.

Track your progress by creating a spreadsheet that maps out your content by topics and keywords.

Keep your content planning organized by brainstorming topics and keywords in a spreadsheet. That way, you can make sure your content aligns with the different stages of the buyer’s journey. Having a clear connection between the keywords you use and the copy will help your organization show up more in search engine results. Plus, it’ll help avoid any confusion for both users and Google.

Include non-branded keywords, a focus keyword, supporting keywords (sub-topics), related keywords, and question queries in evergreen copy. Include the keywords in h tags (h1, h2, and h3) and then used in each section.

It is easier for search engines to rank pages that are more comprehensive on topics containing these types of keywords.

Does your copy rank for relevant non-branded keywords? Does your copy rank only for branded keywords?

Writers can encounter this problem if SEO is not invited to provide them with keyword research prior to writing their copy.

Create a product around the needs of your users by using a product-led SEO content strategy that includes audience feedback.

You will have an advantage over your competitors if you adopt a product-driven SEO strategy competition.

Rather than trying to achieve SEO goals across groups of pages you have optimized, measure progress on a list of URLs you have optimized individually.

Those who are able to measure organic lift across multiple URLs will have a more accurate picture a better ROI on SEO optimizations and be closer to achieving your SEO goals.

SEO Goals and Key Performance Indicators

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators): metrics that the SEO can use to determine if they are on track to achieve their SEO objectives.

At the beginning of every quarter or fiscal year, enterprise organizations may require a KPI list to identify where the SEO’s efforts will be focused for SEO success.

Increasing organic traffic, conversion rate, and revenue are the goals that your manager or organization sets for you as an SEO achieve

How to Scale a Content Strategy to Achieve SEO Goals?

To scale the optimization of content on enterprise websites, SEOs should have a clear understanding of what effect their on-page optimizations will have.

SEO best practices are a great place to start optimizing web copy for SEO. It is necessary to split test SEO optimizations across large sets of pages to scale SEO optimization.

Let the SEO split test statistically prove whether or not the SEO best practice provides an organic lift or not.

Knowing upfront what optimizations will have a positive lift in organic traffic from statistically relevant proven tests allows you to scale SEO optimizations across large sections of a website and come closer to achieving your SEO goals.

SEO best practices should not be taken as gospel. Here at Split Signal, we have seen the same SEO split tests run across different sites and industries provide different results.

This is why SEO split testing is crucial for your SEO strategy. We can no longer blindly follow SEO best practices with keyword and user intent.

How Does SEO Split Testing Help Scale a Content Strategy?

Statistical SEO A/B split testing allows organizations to validate what effect a proposed SEO optimization will have with a statistically relevant result.

This allows SEO teams to pivot with test results that are negative or that have no change and to test further until positive SEO tests are achieved. 

The SEO team can then request from their dev teams SEO optimizations that only have a positive lift to organic traffic!

Now you can scale SEO optimizations that are statistically proven to have an organic lift across website sections.

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