
How to Build a Digital Marketing Funnel That Generates Massive Sales

by Wire Tech
Digital Marketing Funnel

Digital marketing is making waves as a prominent player in the industrial revolution; I know you feel that it is magical or has some hidden secrets that are out of reach. But trust me, those secrets are just adding a touch of smartness here and there alongside taking in all necessary information.

However, of all the information you will need, you must make sure you understand the process of building an efficient digital marketing funnel. This is important for you to have robust sales and returns. Your digital marketing funnel describes the decision-making process you often use to learn about, weigh, and select from various products or services.

You are wondering how it got its name. Yes, when representing the steps pictorially or on graphs, the shape it assumes moving forward gave the digital marketing funnel its name. The interesting concept behind this is that a variety of clients will initiate the initial step at the top of the funnel, but as they proceed farther down, an increasing number of people will lose interest and drift away; got that?

Meanwhile, It portrays your business activities in stages. Is that all? No, it also defines each step and hints at how to navigate your business activities to the point of recording massive sales.

In addition, it is undoubtedly a crucial tool for your business, especially when you wish to comprehend how your consumers choose products. Their product choices will further enable them to create marketing plans that will assist them in advancing through the stages of this process.

In the previous article we have discussed about 10 Ways to Become a Self-Made Digital Marketing Expert

Why do you need a digital marketing funnel?

A digital marketing funnel will help any brand to enhance its online visibility and draw in more clients. This is made possible since more and more customers turn to the internet to locate the goods and services they need,

So, how will an efficient digital marketing funnel do wonders for your business?

1. Segmentation:

With a marketing funnel, you can segment your ads, content, and marketing initiatives. Then you can rest assured that you are nurturing your clients at each level of the funnel, thus guiding them towards a conversion that leads to sales.

  • Productive Lead Generation: from those above, only the most interested customers will move down the marketing funnel. Having this in mind, the horn can be trusted to deliver more qualified leads, thus making the chances of conversion more excellent and more accessible.
  • Loopholes: an efficient digital marketing funnel will enable you to identify where you lose most clients – in the same vein, where you gain their attention the most. This will help you criticize the content you are serving.
  • Creating New Strategies: Digital marketing funnel aids in developing new strategies and improvising old ones. It will also tell you if there is a need for a change in approach towards becoming better at increasing your audience’s interests and, by extension, your chances.
  • Sales Forecast: You can forecast your sales volume using a funnel since it reveals how many buyers advance to the subsequent phases.

A marketing funnel also allows you to pinpoint trouble spots. Likewise, a funnel helps you in fishing out problematic goods and services.

A minute before you get going. You need to fix your funnel template!

Are you wondering why there is a need for you to have a funnel template?

You need a digital marketing funnel template as much as a detailed roadmap when going to your friend’s place in an unfamiliar estate.

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Then learn the sequence of digital marketing funnels. It is a process, not magic

You will agree that having a template does not amount to knowing the whole process represented by the template. Remember I said you need to have all the necessary information? Now, let us dig into the actual process involved.

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The whole six processes are as discussed as follows:

  • Awareness: This means an individual is getting to know your brand or business for the first time. A wide range of channels, such as natural search, social media, email, press releases, word-of-mouth, links from other websites, and more, can lead to this.
  • Interest: Your potential customers start to express interest in your goods or company as a result of the awareness that has been created.
  • Consideration: Consumers interested in your company and its products are still debating whether or not to buy at this point.
  • Intent: The indication that a buyer is about to make a purchase is the intent stage. They might add anything to their cart or ask your customer support representative questions. But that doesn’t guarantee they’ll head straight to the register. As they come to a final decision, they might just as quickly go back to the consideration stage.
  • Evaluation: the point in the marketing funnel where clients decide whether or not they will make a purchase.
  • Purchase: Here, you’ve finally arrived! The potential customer has made a purchase decision. At this point, sales take control of your company’s management from marketing. Although it’s not always simple to attract clients, once you do, you will want to make every effort in your capacity to keep them coming back.

It Would Help If You Analyze your marketing funnel; feedback is essential.

Digital marketing is not complete without the use of funnel analysis. They let you track and measure conversion rates at each stage of your journey, allowing you to identify where your potential consumers fit inside your desired goal flow. It would help if you analyzed your marketing funnel in these few steps:

Step 1: Define Metrics that are used to measure the progress of your marketing campaigns.

Step 2: Identify Key touch points you need to capitalize on or improve upon.

Step 3: Perform In-depth Analysis by Segmenting Users taking into account their actions and interactions with your marketing strategies.

Hacks to Building a Sale-oriented Digital Marketing Funnel

I am sure by now you have acquired all the necessary information on how a digital marketing funnel works, so you should create one for your brand and start enjoying massive sales.

Meanwhile, I will take you through the intelligent ways to build a responsive marketing funnel in this day and age.

1. Create Content for ads

The primary stage in a digital marketing funnel deals with creating awareness, so you should be able to bring up a powerful story to make your brand known.

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Contents that induce trust and pass across objective information will point the audience in the right direction – towards convincing them to check out your website or catalog.

2. Create an Appealing And Captivating Offer.

To build a digital marketing funnel that effortlessly fills itself with excellent expectations, you must present an offer that propels people to want to know more about your brand. For instance, you, as a copywriting brand, can offer an eBook titled “Premium guide to E-commerce Copywriting.”

Nonetheless, the aim is to catch your prospective customer’s attention by dishing out genuine and valuable content. Doing so will make them subscribe and come for more afterward.

In addition, the nature of your brand proposition will depend on whether you are targeting B2C or B2B audiences. While consumers will be interested in easy-to-comprehend eBooks, white papers and case studies will be more appropriate for business professionals.

3. Provide a Result-oriented Landing Page

It would help if you made a mental note to have a result-oriented landing page. Your landing page receives your audiences immediately they click on your ad. Therefore, it is meant to table your offer, demonstrate your expertise and give people a better grasp of your services.

As such, your landing page should include:

  1. A concise description of the freemiums you are offering
  2. Simple yet chic visuals
  3. Form for people to fill in their contact information.
  4. Trust builders like reviews and security badges, and;
  5. A captivating call to action (CTA)

Design Your Email Sequence

Your email sequence is the series of email touchpoints you send over a time frame to convert prospects to clients. The aim is to nurture prospective customers and move them toward the bottom of the funnel (BOFU). Put in place a powerful email sequence that reminds the audiences about your existence and keeps injecting them with helpful content until they are ready to buy.

As earlier mentioned, the nature of your brand or the type of prospects determines the heart of the email sequence you will employ. B2C email sequence might appeal to the customer’s emotions. They may contain extremely engaging language to elicit specific activities, and they may be visually attractive. On the other hand, a B2B email sequence must exhibit thought leadership and solve the buyers’ problem concerns.

You might also wonder what best Digital Marketing Funnels we have in 2022.

It is undoubted a fact that turnaround is bound to occur in the digital marketing funnel as a result of the development of technology. Today, there are more than four billion Internet users and more than 2.5 billion smartphone owners. Users can locate, investigate, and buy products anywhere, thanks to mobile search.

The model of digital marketing funnel previously in use is often called the AIDA model (old marketing funnel) and includes the four stages of Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.

It is characterized by:

  • Four steps
  • Focusing on the linear experience
  • Thinking about universal user behaviors

The new digital marketing funnel focuses on a non-linear experience for customers. Since every user takes a different path, there are other models of the latest online marketing funnel.

The new digital marketing funnels have these features, among others:

  • The focus is on a non-linear experience
  • It might comprise up to 10 steps
  • Thinks about individuals behaviors driving a user (focus is on each user)

We must look into the three forms of digital marketing funnel common nowadays.

1. Hourglass digital marketing funnel

The hourglass-shaped digital marketing funnel underlines how crucial it is to develop and keep strong client relationships. The hourglass structure of the funnel derives from this idea.

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Here are the levels involved in the pre-purchase hourglass digital marketing funnel below:

  • Engagement
  • Education
  • Research
  • Evaluation
  • Justification
  • Purchase

While the post-purchase stages of the funnel include:

  • Adoption
  • Retention
  • Advocacy
  • Expansion

2. Looping Digital Marketing Funnel

The Looping marketing funnel, compared to the hourglass marketing funnel, uses a less structured design. It comprises six stages that enable flexibility for the journey peculiar to every user.

The steps in this marketing funnel include:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Research and discovery loop
  • Purchase
  • Post-Purchase Experience
  • Loyalty loop: this is the highlight of the looping marketing funnel. It builds client loyalty and can be tailor-made to your brand’s specific needs, like adding focus for the loyalty loop or an additional step before purchase
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3. A micro-moment digital marketing funnel

Micro-moments Digital Marketing Funnel

Google’s concept of “micro-moments drove this marketing funnel model.” This marketing funnel enables you to concentrate on the factors that lead potential customers to enter the funnel.

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This model is comprised of the following:

  • Want-to-Know Moment
  • Want-to-Do Moment
  • Want-to-Go Moment
  • Want-to-Buy Moment

The bottom line

In all, the new digital marketing funnel concentrates on individual users rather than the old one. However, While implementing a non-linear journey is more challenging for brands and enterprises, doing so will improve the experience for your target audience.

However, as much as a clear-cut digital marketing funnel template and strategy does the job of driving more sales, the nature of the brand must be taken into consideration to choose the most appropriate and result-oriented model of the digital marketing funnel to drive home massive sales.

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