Ellipsis Education Curriculum Delivery Platform 

by Wire Tech

Curriculum Delivery Platform by Ellipsis EducationCurriculum Delivery Platform by Ellipsis Education

Ellipsis Education, a leader in computer science curriculum for K-12 education, has launched the Curriculum Delivery Platform (CDP) to provide everything educators need to teach computer science in one place.

The CDP is an online portal where teachers access and navigate Ellipsis courses. Designed to be mobile-responsive, the CDP makes the curriculum teachers know and love easier to use. Features of the CDP include:

  • Streamlined organization;
  • Increased access to resources;
  • Improved look and feel;
  • Access to a standards map on the lesson-level page; and
  • Easier movement between courses.

With the new CDP, teachers will only see the courses they have access to, color-coded by grade band, on their home screen. Tiles on the homescreen will also provide important information about course structure, such as number of days the course lasts, along with quick access to course-level resources. A “Course Details” page provides days of instruction to make it easier to group lessons. It also offers important lesson-level information such as lesson title, type, and sequence, with easy access to information such as activity descriptions, standards addressed, and materials and additional lesson-level resources. The “Lesson Detail” page offers the full lesson plan on the left of the screen along with all materials and resources needed to teach it linked on the right. Learn more.

Original Article Published at Edtech Digest

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