
Hey Leaders! L&D Needs You!

by Wire Tech

Hey Leaders! L&D Needs You!

Developing someone is not a 100m sprint, but rather a marathon that requires complementary efforts and teamwork.

Are Your Leaders Trainers Too?

I believe that everyone understands that the learning area is one pillar of development, not the full solution. I have found difficult to play my role effectively, among other reasons, due to the low adherence of leaders. Spoiler: This article is not about finding blame, but about building bridges between L&D and leaders!

Yes, we, Learning and Development (L&D) professionals, understand that there are many demands on leaders' time, that delegating is not always an easy option, that many of you do not have the strategic space to make time, and that there are so much changes and so many skills to be developed, it is overwhelming. This is true for us too! And I believe that many of you are also not guided (and trained) to continue the marathon that is training, developing new skills, respecting the learning cycle, and reaping its rewards.

Many surveys conducted on the L&D universe show that one of the biggest challenges in this area is engaging leaders. And when they don't talk about this directly, they address other problems that are correlated, such as engagement, learning culture, and retention, among others.

Yes leaders, we need you! Let's work together and we can help you with your demands, engage your team more, increase productivity, generate revenue and so many other things. It is not an easy job, some things do not depend on you or me (as L&D), but we can do it better together.

What L&D And Leaders Can Do Together

1. Go To Training Sessions

  • Leaders
    When a leader participates in training sessions, they know the subject matter and can hold the team accountable. They convey authority and also set an example. The leader also has an easier time applying the knowledge and can better help their subordinates.
  • L&D
    Make sure you provide clear and objective information for leaders on why they should attend the session. Their time is short and they need to understand where and how the training will benefit their team and leadership outcomes.

2. Will Your Problem Really Be Solved With Training?

  • Leaders
    Many demands that come to L&D cannot be solved with training. If the process is wrong, training will not solve the problem. If management is not being done, training will not solve the problem. If the topic is not relevant and necessary in daily life, training will not solve the problem. You can help us by providing a briefing on the reasons for your request, facts and data, and which performance indicators are connected to it. If your training area does not offer questions for you to answer, ask for them. Demand them!
  • L&D
    Don't start a training plan without first understanding the real reason for the request. Understand the business and where the demand is linked to it. Ask questions, look for data, and find real evidence of the problem first.

3. Development Begins After The Course

  • Leaders
    Yes, no matter how cool, motivating, or well done the training session was, the reality is that it only becomes a reality on the job. And this depends on how committed you, the leader, are to applying and demanding what was taught. If you have tasks related to the training to complete after it, do them. If not, create time to observe and provide feedback. Sit next to your employees, show them how to do it, do it together, and then watch and provide feedback.
  • L&D
    Your training plan should consider before, during, and after the training. The more important the training is to the business, the greater the need for measurable tasks afterwards.

4. Have You Been Trained To Train?

  • Leaders
    It is important that you understand how the learning process works, the steps, the triggers, the learning cycle. You also need to be trained to help others learn and this includes not only annual feedback, but also daily action.
  • L&D
    Do your leadership programs include a module on L&D? I don't think so. It's time to put this topic on the leadership agenda as teach coaching and explain the learning process, understand what is important to leaners, their challenges, and how culture impacts their attitude towards training.

5. Do You Really Know Where The Business Is Going?

  • Leaders
    The challenges have increased with the remote and hybrid format. I think you've noticed that too. It's become more complicated to sit on the sidelines and see how things work on a day-to-day basis (an essential task for training professionals). You can help us by providing customer cases, recordings of calls or meetings, telling us what your routine is like, what processes are important, what tools work, etc. You can help us by knowing where the business is going and how training can help you get there.
  • L&D
    Take some time to understand the business, go through spreadsheets, numbers, and CRM. Participate in strategic meetings, follow marketing, and ask leaders for help. Use real cases in your training, make it real!

There are so many good things we can do together, so many results we can achieve, and you, as a leader, can benefit much more from the training area. Use us! I know we also need to improve in many things. Count on us, ask, monitor, demand more. We need you!

Further Reading:

Originally published at eLearning Industry.com

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