
The Biggest Risk in Education: Doing Nothing About AI

by Wire Tech

The choices we make today will have lasting impacts.

GUEST COLUMN | by Jeff Faust and Melissa Loble

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AI is dominating conversations in public education and is all but certain to be a key theme at education conferences for the foreseeable future. The choices we make today will have lasting impacts on our profession, our institutions, our leaders, our teachers, and most importantly, our students. While it’s important to avoid hype and futurism, doing nothing is risky. The rapid development of AI requires action, as we are already experiencing economic and professional impacts across industries with a rate of change almost certain to further accelerate.

‘The rapid development of AI requires action, as we are already experiencing economic and professional impacts across industries with a rate of change almost certain to further accelerate.’

‘We’ve Opened Up the Gate’

In a recent Instructure-hosted webinar focused on the role of AI schools, high school teacher Paul Satchwill explained the changing technological landscape succinctly: “We’ve opened up this gate…and there’s not a lot of direction.” While the potential of AI is immense, the lack of clear guidance and understanding poses significant challenges. As with any edtech, districts are worried about data privacy protections for both their teachers and students. The information provided by AI can’t always be trusted. Algorithms can perpetuate the biases of the humans who created them. Faulty models can also lead to data hallucinations – incorrect or misleading results generated by the AI. But as the saying goes, “knowledge is power”, and with the increase in knowledge, comes the ability to overcome these issues.

Vendors need to be open with administrators regarding many data privacy concerns. Instructure, for example, is providing its clients with “nutrition fact sheets” that highlight the imperative information about its products. Districts can also use products, such as LearnPlatform by Instructure, to assess whether these AI products meet evidence-backed standards. With increased AI literacy, users will also know the best use cases for AI and how it applies to their classroom experience.

Crucial Role of Schools

Schools play a crucial role in addressing this by providing comprehensive education and training around AI for both teachers and students. This includes developing AI literacy programs, establishing clear expectations for AI use, and fostering open communication about its implications. Schools are uniquely equipped to foster open communication and collaboration with their communities through community conversations focused on AI.

Schools can highlight the steps they are taking to responsibly incorporate AI, including the development of AI literacy programs, the establishment of clear guidelines for AI use, and ongoing professional development for staff.

By proactively engaging parents, educators, and community members in these conversations, schools can build trust, address concerns, and ensure that AI integration aligns with the values and goals of the community. This collaborative approach not only promotes transparency but also empowers stakeholders to actively participate in shaping the future of AI in education.

Immense Promise

The integration of AI in education holds immense promise for transforming teaching and learning experiences. AI has the potential to revolutionize education by offering personalized learning journeys, optimizing efficiency, and sparking creativity. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, schools can create a dynamic environment where each student receives tailored support, teachers can dedicate more time to inspiring students, and learning becomes an engaging and immersive adventure. AI-powered feedback enables educators to provide real-time insights, nurturing students’ abilities to think critically and become self-directed learners.

AI has the potential to be a valuable tool for overcoming writer’s block and creativity challenges, enabling users to quickly generate ideas and content, save time, and “visually bring things to life” even without prior graphical expertise. However, it should be used as an aid rather than a replacement for human creativity. Through this practice, we can prioritize critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability in education and empower learners to excel in a world alongside AI.

Embracing the Potential

AI will have lasting impacts on education, and its potential to enhance teaching and learning is vast. We should accept that leveraging AI to increase efficacy or to be the best educator possible is not cheating; rather, it’s a strategic move toward preparing ourselves and our students for the future. Schools must embrace this reality and begin exploring, training, and integrating AI tools purposefully and strategically.

By leveraging industry partners, experts, and thought leaders in the field, schools can navigate this complex landscape with confidence, ensuring that AI is both effective and responsible. As we embark on this journey, let us embrace the potential of AI to create an education system that empowers every learner to reach their full potential in a future world that is all but guaranteed to look vastly different from the world we know today.

Jeff Faust is Chief Technology Officer for Chesapeake Public Schools. Connect with Jeff on LinkedIn. Melissa Loble is Chief Academic Officer at Instructure. Connect with Melissa on LinkedIn.

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Original Article Published at Edtech Digest

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