
12 of the Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2022 for beginners

by Wire-Tech
Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2022

It’s no secret that learning to code can be a major asset in today’s job market. But with so many programming languages out there, it can be tough to know where to start.

Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 12 of the best programming languages to learn in 2022 for beginners. Whether you’re looking for a language that’s widely used in the industry, or one that will help you land a specific job, you’re sure to find something on this list that’s perfect for you!

If you’re a beginner, most software engineers recommend learning Python, Java, or C first. Below, we’ll give you a rundown of each of these programming languages and others, while describing what they’re used for and why you might want to try each one


Python is widely considered one of the best programming languages to learn for beginners. It is a high-level language, which means it is easy to read and write. Python is also a versatile language that can be used for building a variety of applications.

Python is used by some of the largest companies in the world, including Google, Instagram, and Netflix. It is also used by many small businesses and startups. Python is a popular language for web development, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, and more.

There are many resources available for learning Python. For example, there are numerous books, tutorials, and online courses. The official Python website also has a wealth of resources and documentation.

Overall, Python is an excellent choice for anyone looking to learn a programming language. It is versatile, widely used, and has a wealth of resources available for learning.


Java is a versatile and powerful programming language that is widely used in a variety of industries. It is a great language to learn for beginners because it is relatively easy to read and write. Java is also platform-independent, meaning that code written in Java can run on any operating system.

Java is used in many different fields, such as web development, mobile development, and big data. Many popular applications and websites are written in Java, including Twitter, Amazon, and LinkedIn. If you want to learn a programming language that will give you a lot of options for future career paths, Java is a great choice.


JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used to create interactive web applications. JavaScript is easy to learn for beginners and has many advanced features for experienced programmers.

JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used to create a wide variety of applications. It is used by major companies such as Google, Facebook, and Netflix. Many popular open source projects are written in JavaScript, such as Node.js and React.

JavaScript is constantly evolving and there are always new libraries and frameworks being created. This means that there is always something new to learn for experienced programmers.

Overall, JavaScript is a great language to learn for anyone interested in programming. It is versatile, popular, and easy to learn.


C is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of applications. It is a powerful language that is relatively easy to learn. C is used in many popular programs and operating systems, such as Windows and Linux.

C is a good choice for beginners because it is a relatively simple language. However, it is also powerful enough to be used for complex applications. C++, another popular programming language, builds on C and adds object-oriented features. This makes C++ more complex than C, but it also makes it more versatile.


C# is a versatile programming language that can be used for a variety of tasks. It is a popular language for developing desktop applications, web applications, and mobile apps. C# is also a good choice for game development.

C# is relatively easy to learn, especially if you have experience with other programming languages. It has a well-organized syntax that makes it easy to read and understand. C# also has a large number of online resources that can help you learn the language.

Once you have learned C#, you will be able to develop a wide range of applications and games. You can also use C# to create new programming languages.


1. Swift is a powerful and versatile programming language that is used for developing apps for Apple products, such as the iPhone and iPad.

2. Swift is easy to learn for beginners and has many features that make it attractive to experienced programmers.

3. Swift is constantly being updated by Apple, so it remains an up-to-date language that is suitable for developing new apps.

4. There is a large community of Swift developers who can offer support and advice.

Overall, Swift is one of the best programming languages to learn in 2019. It is easy to learn, has many features, and is constantly being updated by Apple.

HTML5 and CSS3

HTML and CSS are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. They are used to create websites and web applications. HTML is responsible for the structure of a website, while CSS is responsible for the style.

Both HTML and CSS are easy to learn, and there are plenty of resources available online. You can find tutorials, courses, and even online communities where you can ask questions and get help from other programmers.

HTML and CSS are also in high demand, so learning them can help you get a job in the tech industry. In fact, many jobs in the tech industry require knowledge of HTML and CSS. So if you’re looking to get into the tech industry, learning HTML and CSS is a great place to start.


PHP is a versatile programming language that can be used for developing a wide range of applications. It is a popular language for web development, and can be used to create dynamic websites and web applications. PHP is also relatively easy to learn, compared to other programming languages.

PHP is a good choice for beginners who want to start learning programming. It is also a good choice for experienced programmers who want to add another language to their repertoire.


SQL is a standard database query language that is used by many businesses and organizations. It is a powerful language that enables users to easily manipulate and query data. SQL is easy to learn and use, making it a great choice for those looking to get started in programming.

SQL is also easy to use, as it uses a simple, English-like syntax. This makes it easy to read and understand SQL code, even for those who are not familiar with programming.

Overall, SQL is a great choice for those looking for a powerful and easy-to-use database query language.

 Job Opportunity in SQL 

1. Database Administrator
2. Database Analyst
3. Database Developer
4. SQL Programmer

The average salary for a SQL Developer is $85,000 per year in the United States.


1. Ruby is a versatile programming language that can be used for web development, app development, and more. Ruby is easy to learn for beginners and has a lot of resources available. It’s also a popular language among experienced developers.

2. Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. It’s a popular choice for web development because it’s easy to use and has a lot of features.

3. JRuby is an implementation of Ruby that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JRuby is a good choice for those who want to use Ruby with Java applications.

4. Rubinius is another implementation of Ruby that runs on the JVM. Rubinius has been designed to be more efficient than MRI, the standard implementation of Ruby.

5. MacRuby is an implementation of Ruby that runs on macOS. MacRuby is designed to take advantage of the Cocoa frameworks on macOS and allows you to write native apps using Ruby.

ruby on rails salary freelance rates table1
Image reference from arc.dev/

In the United States, the annual salary of Ruby on Rails developers averages $120,000 and ranges from $70,000 to $195,000.


R is a programming language that is popular among statisticians and data scientists. It is a powerful language for performing statistical analysis and creating data visualizations. R is also easy to learn, even for people who have no prior programming experience.

R is a versatile language that can be used for many different purposes. For example, it can be used to create web applications, machine learning models, and data visualizations. R is also widely used in academic research.

There are many reasons why R is a good language to learn. However, one of the main reasons is that it is in high demand among employers. According to the 2018 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, R is the 8th most popular programming language among developers. This means that there are many opportunities for people who know how to use R.


There are many different programming languages that you can learn, but not all of them are created equal. Some languages are more popular than others, and some are more suited for certain tasks. Go is a language that is becoming increasingly popular, and it has a lot to offer.

Go is a very fast language, and it is easy to learn. It has a simple syntax that makes it easy to read and write code. Go is also a very powerful language, and it can be used for a wide variety of tasks.

One of the great things about Go is that it is an open source language. This means that anyone can contribute to its development, and there is a large community of users that can help you if you run into any problems.

Overall, Go is an excellent choice for a programming language to learn. It is fast, easy to learn, and powerful. If you are looking for a language that will help you get started in coding, then Go is a great option.

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