
How Machine Learning Could Help Heal The World: A Public Sector

by Wire-Tech

The world of public service is in dire need of modernization and automation to help provide better services to its citizens. The public sector has done little to integrate technology into their systems, but the future of public service will be heavily dependent on the adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a process of teaching computers to learn from data. It is a subset of artificial intelligence that deals with the construction and study of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions on data.

Machine learning is widely used in a variety of applications, such as recommendations, image classification, fraud detection, and robotics.

What are the common types of Machine Learning algorithms?

There are three types of machine learning algorithms: supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning.

Supervised learning is mostly used in applications where a human has labeled data for training purposes. In the case of an e-commerce company, a product recommender system would be trained using labeled products from the users who have previously purchased that specific product. What makes it exciting is that we can predict outcomes using unsupervised and reinforcement learning algorithms.

Unsupervised methods enable us to discover hidden structure in large volumes of data without having any labels. In other words, these models can cluster data into meaningful groups and learn about relationships between different variables with respect to different clusters.

Reinforcement learning enables us to build models that can learn from past experience and make decisions based on these experiences.

How can Machine Learning help the public sector?

The public sector is under immense pressure to do more with less. Machine learning can help alleviate some of this pressure by automating tasks and processes, freeing up time for public servants to focus on higher-level goals. In addition, machine learning can help the public sector become more efficient and effective in its operations. For example, predictive analytics can be used to predict demand for services, identify areas of waste, or forecast future trends. By harnessing the power of machine learning, the public sector can improve its performance and better serve the needs of citizens.


In the healthcare sector, machine learning can help providers make better decisions. Machine learning models can, for example, predict a patient’s risk of hospitalization or determine their chance of developing certain conditions. Machine learning models can also be used to improve patient care by detecting signs of illness. For instance, doctors could prescribe medication based on an AI system that predicts which patients will suffer from adverse side effects from a specific treatment.

Finance and Insurance

Financial and insurance sectors are ripe for disruption from machine intelligence. This is particularly true in areas such as fraud detection — where machine learning models have the potential to detect fraudulent transactions with more accuracy than humans — and customer segmentation, where they can identify profitable customers and tailor products to meet their needs. These models can also be deployed in areas such as risk assessment, pricing and investment advice.
In 2016, global insurance losses reached $176 billion. AI-based solutions could help reduce these numbers by using the data collected from past claims and patterns of human behavior to predict if future events will lead to a payout. Financial institutions are already using machine learning to analyze client data with the goal of identifying high-value customers and making personalized offers that will keep them loyal.

In order to gather sufficient data for machine learning purposes, financial companies are investing heavily in big data management solutions such as Hadoop, Cassandra, Spark and MongoDB , which allow them to process large volumes of information quickly. Once they have analyzed the data, banks can take action based on the insights gleaned from machine learning.

For example, according to an Accenture analysis of retail banking data from 86 million transactions, in Sweden a 50-cent increase in interest rates leads to a 4% drop in loans for vehicles and houses. As such, by predicting client behavior based on historical patterns and adjusting the interest rate accordingly, banks can protect themselves from falling profits due to rising interest rates.

Risk management: Another important use of machine learning is risk management. By using predictive analytics to identify customers who are at risk of defaulting on their loans, financial institutions can take steps to help them avoid bankruptcy. Machine learning tools can detect fraud and keep it out of payments systems as well as analyze

Why isn’t the public sector using Machine Learning?

There are many potential applications for machine learning in the public sector, but it’s not being used nearly as much as it could be. One reason for this is that the public sector is often behind the private sector when it comes to adopting new technologies. But there are other reasons why machine learning hasn’t been adopted more widely in the public sector.

One reason is that machine learning can be expensive. Developing and implementing a machine learning solution requires significant investment in both money and time. This can be a deterrent for cash-strapped public sector organizations.

Another reason is that the public sector is risk-averse. Because machine learning is still relatively new, there are concerns about its reliability and accuracy. Public sector organizations are often hesitant to adopt new technologies unless they are absolutely certain that they will work as intended.

Finally, there is a lack of understanding about how machine learning can be used in the public sector. Many decision-makers simply don’t know enough about the technology to make informed decisions about its use. As a result, machine learning remains underutilized in the public sector.

What are the benefits of Machine Learning for the Public Sector?

There are many potential benefits of machine learning for the public sector. Machine learning could help public sector organizations to be more efficient and effective in their work.

For example, machine learning could be used to help automate tasks that are currently being done manually, such as data entry. Additionally, machine learning could be used to help analyze large data sets more quickly and accurately, which could lead to better decision-making.

Additionally, machine learning could help public sector organizations to better predict trends and patterns, which could help them to be more proactive in their work. What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, which is a field that tries to develop computer programs that can solve a problem or make decisions in an effective way. Machine learning is closely connected to the use of data analytics. It relies on the analysis of large data sets containing structured and unstructured data in order to find patterns and predict future events. In most cases, machine learning uses statistical methods in order to analyze the data and look for patterns. However, it is also possible to use more advanced methods like artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms.

Benefits of machine learning for the public sector

Public sector organizations are tasked with improving people’s lives. Therefore, they need to be efficient in their operations while at the same time being able to deliver on the promises they made.

Machine learning offers benefits in all of these categories. First, it makes processes in the public sector more efficient. This can be done by automating cases that are repetitive and predictable, or by automating decisions for specific situations where there is a set of known and proven solutions.

For example, instead of having judges read through piles of documents from people who have committed minor crimes, machine learning can be used to automatically identify cases where people did not commit any crime but were arrested anyway.

The same applies for government services like healthcare, welfare or unemployment benefits. While these tasks require human oversight (to make sure that machine learning does not make mistakes), they can be highly automated , allowing people to focus on more difficult and human tasks.

What are the barriers to using Machine Learning in the Public Sector?

There are a few potential barriers to using machine learning in the public sector. One is the lack of data. In order for machine learning to be effective, it needs large amounts of data to learn from.

The second barrier is the lack of resources. Public sector organizations are often resource-strapped and may not have the budget or personnel to devote to implementing and maintaining a machine learning system.

The third barrier is the concern about privacy and security concerns. Government agencies hold a great deal of sensitive information, and there are strict laws and regulations surrounding the use and disclosure of this information.

Machine learning algorithms require access to large amounts of data in order to be effective, so there are concerns that these algorithms could be used to violate individuals’ privacy rights.

Another significant barrier is the lack of skilled personnel. Government agencies typically do not have the same resources as private companies when it comes to recruiting and training staff. This means that there may not be enough people with the necessary skills to develop and implement machine learning algorithms.

Finally, there is the issue of cost. Developing and implementing machine learning algorithms can be expensive, and government agencies may not have the budget to invest in this technology.

Finally, there is a risk that decision-making based on machine learning models could be opaque and unaccountable. This session aims to discuss how machine learning is currently being used in the public sector, what are the potential benefits and challenges of implementing it, and how we can build an ecosystem that supports the use and adoption of machine learning over time.


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of how machine learning could help heal the world by providing a public sector.

Despite its incredible potential, machine learning is still in its infancy and there are many challenges that need to be overcome before it can truly make an impact on the world.

However, we remain optimistic about the future of machine learning and its ability to make a positive difference in the world.

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